Shine Avi Moment of Pride
So proud of Shine Avi student Rifaan who has been given general education class with even the main subject English and math with 25 general Ed kids .
In February I advocated him and pushed the IEP team for LLD CLASS and that time they were not sure and wanted to only give Self contained class and said
“let’s meet again to discuss in June if we can take him in LLD “
and today they said he has made such good progress that he can be placed in gen ed class .
Rifaan joined the Center 6 months back .
Rifaan was not even able to hold pencil before that and was on words .
He didn’t know his letters and numbers .
As of now Rifaan can write three letter words and can do his additions and subtraction.
Rifaan can also do his comprehension drill ,narration very well and can process the auditory information.
Rifaan attends MY WHOLE CHILD PROGRAM AT Shine Avi program everyday and also socIAL skills .
I want to thank Rifaan’s mom Mehnas for all the hard-work she does with him .
Rise and shine Rifaan and good luck for everything
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