Shine Avi know how of language Teaching children unscrambling a sentence
What is a sentence??A sentence is a set of words that contain a complete thought. LessIt has a subject and... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
What is a sentence??A sentence is a set of words that contain a complete thought. LessIt has a subject and... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
When we pay attention, we focus on one thing and put other things out of our minds. For example, we... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
Shine Avi series on issues related to attention Why is eye contact important?On the one hand, we know that eye... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
When you have a child with an “invisible” disability like AUtism (or a similar autism spectrum profile), you may find... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
Often times I am asked how to make my child interact with other kids or how can I teach him... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
Topic 1Teaching Words Through Labeling for Children with AutismIntroductionIn this module, we are going to talk about how you can... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
What is receptive language (understanding words and language)?Receptive language is the ability to understand words and language. It involves gaining... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
What is expressive language (using words and language)?Expressive language is the use of words, sentences, gestures and writing to convey... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
Autism moms often go to great lengths to sacrifice...emotionally, financially and otherwise, to help their children make progress. We know... read more
By dclaz81kbcs
Children and adults with autism, as well as those with other developmental disabilities, may have a dysfunctional sensory system. Sometimes... read more