Shine Avi autism facts!!Why do many kids with autism . . .Not talk at all
Talking or expressive language development requires understanding and use of symbols. Words, after all, are simply symbols for things, actions, and concepts. Sometimes children with autism lack or have significant delays in that ability. Children with difficulty with symbolic representation often have difficulty with understanding of language and use of other communication systems (e.g. sign language, Picture Exchange Communication System). Sometimes, children demonstrate the ability to understand language but have difficulty putting sounds together to form words. This can be a result of a motor speech disorder such as apraxia of speech.It’s difficult to know why some children with autism do not talk or express themselves verbally. If possible, accessing alternative methods of communication, such as using gestures, pictures, typing, or a voice-output device is an important part of their social development.In last twenty one years I have met many families who have children who are non verbal and came to a conclusion that some families who just quit after the chid doesn’t talk in certain age is not right at all because talking is not everything for a child to celebrate life there many other things that can be adapted as a process to enhance other skills for e.g life skills ,social skills ,special interests ,entertainment tools etc Ultimately we want our kids to celebrate life and this can be done even without talking .Just because they cannot talk doesn’t mean they are not hearing .
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