Shine Avi Learning Center has started business running virtual classes from March 10th .
The new modified program was implemented virtually and has big success in giving best services serving children on autism spectrum .
Counting the blessings we decided to give back to community and held initiatives to help people during the COVID crisis
We are holding many different initiatives for our children with special needs including socail skills classes as a part of giving back to community
We donated $5000 to 10 deserving families in NJ with children on autism spectrum .
We distributed food and school supplies to Ozanam family shelter .
Shine avi served food in Arista care rehab and students made over 100 cards for sick people in Arista Care Rehab center.
We gave $1000 donation to our Piscataway Police department .
We want to assure we are there for our special needs families and truly appreciate the essential workers .
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