Shine Avi Learning Centre

Shine Avi Learning Centre

*Shine Avi know what benefits your child on the autism spectrum series !!! *_**Importance of Parent Participation in Autism*_* _WHY PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IS BENEFICIAL FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM_Parenting a child with autism can be tough and challenging, but the involvement of parents plays an extremely important role in the child’s ability to effectively overcome a lack of essential skills. Parents are often the ones who first recognize the developmental issue, and pursue a diagnosis to find what kind of treatment would be best suited for their child. Once a suitable program starts, parents and other family members are required to actively participate to ensure that whatever skills and behaviors their child is learning in the program are effectively applied during their time at home, as well as in other settings.The chances of a child’s success in learning new skills and correcting undesired behaviors is highly dependent on how actively parents are involved in the educational program. This is because when parents participate in the designing and execution of different interventions, the sessions are likely to be used across varying people and contexts, hence aiding the child in learning and use skills relatively quickly. Conversely, if only therapists and teachers design and execute interventions with the support of parents or other family members, there is a high chance the learning process will be much slower, as well as the long-term benefits are likely to be less.Interventions with therapists are generally 30-40 hours a week – this is a small portion as compared to the time parents spend with their children. When parents are involved in interventions, they are able to carry over what the child has learned throughout the day, hence increasing the probability of learning a behavior or skill quickly. In addition, it can prove to be counter-productive if what your child is exposed to during the therapy is different from your methods.

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