Shine Avi Star student Myla

Shine Avi Star student Myla

Shine Avi Star ⭐️ student Shine Avi student Myla is one amazing kid in the autism spectrum who has come a long way . Myla was Shine Avi first student and had lot of Echolalia and also had poor eye contact ,social skills were very poor . Myla was not able to sit in one place and was not able to do what was expected when she joined . Language was very limited . As of now Myla is totally mainstreamed without aide and can narrate ,write very beautiful ,do her comprehension ,reasoning ,and her reciprocal language has really become so good .Myla had beautiful handwriting and can read like a 4th grader . Myla can narrate a full story. Myla knows Nouns and verbs ,tenses ,singular plural ,vowels etc in grammar . She is very aware of her social surroundings and interacts with her peers well . Gross motor Myla can do anything better than her age kids . Myla still continues with Shine Avi and We are very proud of Myla and wish her all the success.

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